Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Welcome to the wonderful world of english!

Ok, I know my English is not that fantastic but it is not this bad!!!

(in courtesy of the WONDERFUL Lecturers of NYP SCL Molecular Biotechnolgy)

More - Mu-wo ("touch" in Chinese)
Modern - Mu-wo- dern
RNA - R eng A
Southern blotting - Sudden blotting
Genes - Jinx
Lowering - Lollering
Essential - Essen-shoe
Tissue - Tis-siew
Error - Arrow
Polarisation - Polaration
Thousand - Sousend
Hundred- Hundren
Neurominidase - New....... Ro.... Mi....... Ni..... Dase.....
Oseltamivir - Osel... Don't know what..

(.......and my personal favourite.......)
Thank you - Sank you!!!!!!!!

Trust me.. There's more to come.. Just need to search for them.. Don't know where I wrote them...

Sank you!

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